SI FC announces events and celebrates the joy of our Soroptimist successes on this blog. Welcome!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Congratulations to Jackie (left) and Lisa (right) for receipt of Soroptimist International of Fort Collins' 2014 Women's Opportunity Awards! These deserving northern Colorado women can use the funds provided by the Fort Collins Soroptimist Club to help offset the costs associated with continuing their education. (Also pictured in middle: Project Self-Sufficiency Advisor, Maggie.

The Women’s Opportunity Awards program is Soroptimist International of the Americas’ major service project. The Women’s Opportunity Awards program provides women who serve as the primary wage earners for their families with the financial resources to offset costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education or additional skills and training. The award can be used for tuition, books, childcare, carfare or any other education-related expense. This program, which begins on the club level, was created in 1972 to help women improve their ability to provide for their families. Each year, more than $1 million is provided in cash grants to women in need. Since the program’s inception in 1972, approximately $15 million in Women’s Opportunity Awards has been disbursed to about 25,000 women throughout the countries served by Soroptimist International of the America’s. Applications are accepted each fall with awards the following spring. Soroptimist International of Fort Collins is one of 1,500 clubs that make up Soroptimist International of the Americas.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

AAUW / Soroptimist Used Book Sale Returns to Mall--Nonprofits Recycle Books to Raise Service Funds

The AAUW/Soroptimist Used Book Sale is in full swing! The annual Used Book Sale allows two nonprofits to raise service funds while keeping gently used books out of our landfills. All books are recycled through the sale, donations to needy, or environmentally friendly means. 

Proceeds of the AAUW/Soroptimist Used Book Sale support numerous local and global projects benefiting women and girls. AAUW’s share of funds go to scholarships. Soroptimist’ share of funds have helped women and girls through domestic violence prevention and recovery initiatives including Crossroads Safehouse, SAVA (Sexual Assault Victim’s Advocacy); education and career advancement initiatives including Project Self-Sufficiency; and quality of life projects including Hearts and Horses, PVH Navigator Program, Homeless Gear, and Women’s Resource Center. Soroptimist offers financial awards, including Women’s Opportunity Awards (supporting women heads of households), Violet Richardson Awards (encouraging teen girls engaged in volunteerism), and local Making a Difference for Women recognitions. Used Book Sale proceeds also allow Soroptimist to support many impressive global service projects through international affiliations, such as Children of Peace (Vietnamese orphanages), Help Uganda (education) and Soroptimist International of the Americas Disaster Relief Fund.

The AAUW/Soroptimist Used Book Sale has become a well known local event. Our customers complement us on the quality of our sale, the quality of our sorting, and the abundant selection of gently used books we market. 

We depend on the generous donations of the community to make this event a reality.  Private donors throughout northern Colorado join Old Firehouse Books in donating gently used books throughout the year. Organizers estimate that they will sort nearly 40,000 books by sale date. 

This year’s sale is “back” inside Foothills Mall in Fort Collins. Please take advantage of the opportunity to “recycle” your gently used books and restock your shelves. Our nonprofits can accept book donations through Tuesday, February 25. Shopping starts at 8:00 am February 28 and ends on Sunday March 2 at 6:00 pm. 

Thanks for helping us support women, girls and the environment!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

SI FC Looks Forward to Sharing 2014 Service Funds--Club Grant Form Now Available

Soroptimist International of Fort Collins is seeking to identify possible recipients to share Club's 2013-14 service funds. Please let us know how your organization would use Soroptimist funds to improve the lives of women and/or girls. 
  1. Soroptimist International of Fort Collins is currently accepting letters of application for community grants up to $1000.00.
  2. Soroptimist service funds must be used to benefit women and /or girls. 
  3. The application letter must specify how the funds will be used and the benefits provided for this service.  For programs that provide services for men and women, please explain how the funds will be used to help women or girls.

Email to request a club grant application form. Proposals must be submitted via email by March 1st, 2014.
Recipients will be notified prior to spring fund distribution.