SI FC announces events and celebrates the joy of our Soroptimist successes on this blog. Welcome!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

OH Nuts! And Butter braids, too!

It’s nut time again. Yes, Soroptimist International of Fort Collins' annual nut, candy and butter braid sale of is in full swing. Our fall fundraiser is very important to our Club’s donations to worthy local organizations. The money we raised in past years helped women and girls through local domestic violence prevention and recovery initiatives including Crossroads and SAVA (Sexual Assault Victim’s Advocacy), education and career advancement initiatives including Project Self-Sufficiency, and quality of life projects including Lentz Hearing Project for Women and Girls, PVH Navigator Program, and Women’s Resource Center (dental assistance for low-income women).

We also support many very impressive global service projects through our international affiliation, such as Children of Peace (Vietnamese services for women and girls), “Hopes and Dreams for Everyone” (human trafficking in Moldova), Project SIerra (helping women in Sierra Leone), and now Soroptimists for Education and Leadership.

We offer local awards and recognitions, including Women’s Opportunity Awards (offering funds to women heads of households), Ruby Award: For Women Helping Women (formerly Making a Difference for Women), Violet Richardson Award (for teen girls engaged in volunteer activities), and our own Living Her Dream Award.

We hope you will purchase from us what you might have bought from grocery or specialty stores. Our prices are competitive and the products very fresh. We use them for client appreciation gifts, for holiday parties and baking, knowing that our purchase is supporting worthy causes.

We have samples of the nut and candy products that we would be happy to show you. We also sell butter braids, the festive loaf-style pastry that comes frozen. A real bargain at just $10 each, they can be prepared easily and come in seven flavors: Dutch Almond Crème (new), Cherry, Apple, Blueberry Cream Cheese, Cinnamon, and Cream Cheese.

Thanks for helping us support women and girls in our community.

Contact a member or email to request an order form. Order forms must be received BY November 30, 2010.