SI FC announces events and celebrates the joy of our Soroptimist successes on this blog. Welcome!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Soroptimist Extends Hands-Up!

What a fantastic year!
It's definitely time to celebrate last year's accomplishments as we look forward to our 2009-2010 club year. Our local Soroptimist group successfully raised funds to donate over $12,000 to efforts improving the lives of women and girls. We proudly donated $9600 to local efforts and individual. And, we did out part on the global scene by donating $2400 to efforts beyond Colorado.

$3900 was distributed to northern Colorado women and girls in the form of Women's Opportunity Awards, Living Her Dream Awards, and Violet Richardson Awards, AND

$5700 was distributed between
  1. Lentz Hearing Project for Women and Girls,
  2. Project Self-Sufficiency (PS-S),
  3. PVH Health Systems Soroptimist Navigator Program for women dealing with cancer,
  4. Women's Center of Larimer County for their Dental Assistance Program,
  5. Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Center (SAVA) for their SuperGirls program, and
  6. Crossroads SafeHouse for their new facility.
$1000 went to the SIA Club Campaign in honor of Wendy Stine, SIFC's 2009 Making a Difference for Women recipient, AND

$1400 was distributed between
  1. SI Project SIerra, Hands of Hope Scholarships for girls in Uganda,
  2. Little Rose Project with Children of Peace,
  3. Trees Water & People for Justa Stoves in Central America and Haiti, and
  4. Children of Peace International for Remaking a Life--Capacity Building Workshops.
What an impact we had! What a hard act to follow!