Soroptimist of Fort Collins recently celebrated the Club's 64th anniversary by hosting a Living Your Dream Awards Program. Past Club Presidents were recognized, financial grants were distributed to two single moms, and a local professor was honored for making a difference for women--locally and around the world. Read on to celebrate with us.
Soroptimist Supports Women Seeking Education
The Live Your Dream program begins at the club level, where award amounts vary. Soroptimist International of Fort Collins’ first place awardee competes with other women from clubs in Rocky Mountain Region for additional awards. The names of those selected at region level will be sent to Soroptimist International of the Americas for a chance to be selected for three $10,000 finalist awards.
The Soroptimist of the America’s Live Your Dream program, formerly known as Women’s Opportunity Awards, was established in 1972 to assist women, who have primary financial responsibility for their families, to obtain the skills-training and education necessary to improve their employment status and standard of living for themselves and their family. Since 1972 about $30 million in education grants have been disbursed to assist tens of thousands of women achieve their dreams of a better life for themselves and their families throughout the federation.
The Fort Collins Soroptimist club does not release names of Live Your Dream recipients out of respect for their need for privacy and safety. Thanks to Ann Rutledge (not shown,) Paula Hawe, and Carolyn Wade for Chairing SIFC's 2015 Live Your Dream Committee.
Professor Honored for Making a Difference for Women
Dr. Carole Makela, Professor in CSU’s College of Human Sciences, School of Education, receives the 2015 Soroptimist International of Fort Collins Making a Difference for Women award. Dr. Makela is recognized by Soroptimist for making a difference for women and families, locally and around the world. Her impact continues as a collaborator, mentor, advisor, professor, professional, and community volunteer.
The Soroptimist Making a Difference for Women award honors women who, through their professional or personal efforts, make extraordinary differences in the lives of women and girls. Their work has a significant impact, inspires and encourages other women. Recipients may be publicly visible or working in the background. Nominations come from community partners.
“Soroptimist can only estimate the number of women, young and more mature, who have benefitted from Dr. Carole Makela’s contributions,” adds Robanette Catalano, presenter of the 2015 award. “Counting students alone, her contacts have certainly been in the thousands. And, considering the pyramid nature of educating educators, her empowerment has reached hundreds of thousands.”
Carole's purpose has always been to empower students.Beginning as a home economics teacher, Carole’s focus was on family management for sustainability and growth of the family within the larger environment. Students were encouraged to focus on family roles, rights and responsibilities, resource management, healthy living, and community involvement while studying finance, nutrition, child care, sewing, personal care, and the home environment. Hse has always been to empower students.
Grounded with a strong scientific background in family and women’s issues, Carole progressed into instruction, research and leadership positions at Colorado State University. During her 45+ years at CSU she served as Department Head in Consumer Sciences and Housing, Interim Associate Dean of the College of Applied Human Sciences, and Program Chair for Interdisciplinary Studies in the School of Education. She helped establish the local Better Business Bureau and Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Northern Colorado and Southeast Wyoming.
Carole is active on university committees and professional organizational boards. She advises undergraduates and teaches capstone courses. She teaches and advises graduate students at the masters and doctoral levels, promoting quality research as the foundation of one’s field. This philosophy has been furthered through her editorial efforts with several professional journals.
Her work knows no borders. Carole has attended and made presentations at numerous International Federation of Home Economics meetings. Her research has focused on rural issues, consumer behavior, family health, aging, life-balance, credit, global interaction, and equity. She collaborates with colleagues nationally and internationally to educate and empower. Her focus is on education—formal and informal, structured and self-guided.
Dr. Makela joins past Making a Difference for Women recipients, including: Melissa Shaeffer, Jennifer Jones, Dr. Stace Scharfe, Fran Richburg, LouAnn DeCoursey, Sister Mary Alice Murphy, Victoria Lutz, Nicole Gawronski, Julie Field, Wendy Stine, Mary Carraher, Dr. Sue Ellen Charlton, Wendy Cohen, former State Senator Peggy Reeves, and Past Fort Collins Mayor Nancy Gray.
Thanks to Robanette Catalano for chairing SIFC's 2015 Making a Difference for Women Committee.