SI FC announces events and celebrates the joy of our Soroptimist successes on this blog. Welcome!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

SIFC Awareness, Advocacy, and Action--Fall 2015

It's been an active fall for Soroptimist International of Fort Collins... with great opportunities for increased awareness, advocacy, and action on behalf of women and girls.

Boy's and Girl's Club representative
Gillian Rankin
speaking to SIFC September 15
Kay and JD share another
Dignity Dress crafted for COPI in Vietnam
at Parkwood Estates Retirement Residence
September 26

Read on!

Soroptimist members offered great support at both the
SAVA Soiree and Hearts and Horses Gala
October 2 and 3
Photo-bombed by Gov-elect LaDaun
10 SIFC members participated in RMR District III/IV Meetings.
Scottsbluff, Nebraska  October 10-11 

Left:  President Cheryl welcomes Susan into membership.
Right:  Gloria speaks to SIFC about her experiences with COPI.
October 20 Program Meeting
Another successful Thursday evening "service social"
Kay hosted SIFC to craft Dignity Dresses, Soropti-scarves and S'mittens.
SIFC members signed up, individually, and participated in
the local Make a Difference Day, October 24.
These members were part of the group that helped out at the Larimer Food Bank.

SIFC--Fall Fundraisers Allow Community Participation

Nuts, Candy and Butter Braids

Interested in helping Soroptimist by purchasing Nuts, Candy, and/or Butter Braids? Ask a member, or Email to request an order form. Butter Braid order deadline is November 3 with delivery to Fort Collins scheduled for November 10. Nut and Candy orders are due November 3 & December 1 with delivery to Fort Collins one week after order deadline. Purchases help SI Fort Collins support women and girls in our community and throughout the world.

Our members hope friends and associates will purchase from Soroptimist what they might have purchased from grocery or specialty stores. Our prices are competitive and the products are very fresh. Supporters get great products; proceeds help SIFC improve the lives of women and girls locally and internationally.

Funds raised in the past year helped SIFC:
  • Participate in Soroptimist International of America’s signature program, The Live Your Dream Award, which provides financial assistance to women head of households. Our local Soroptimist club proudly grants educational funds to deserving local women each year. Last year Soroptimist of Americas provided 1.6 million in educational awards through this program.
  • Support very impressive global service projects through our international affiliations. We support women and girls through Children of Peace, International efforts in Vietnam and See Solar/Cook Solar initiatives in Zambia and Fiji, providing light at night so that young girls in developing countries can do homework and women can cook without using coal or wood.
  • Purchase needed baby items for students in Poudre School District’s Teen Parent Program
  • Assist with prevention and recovery initiatives offered by Sexual Assault Victim’s Advocacy
  • Provide scholarships to the Women’s Warrior Project at Hearts and Horses and 
  • Help a family achieve self-sufficiency with basic furnishings for a newly earned apartment. 

Pampered Chef Parties Raise Funds for SIFC

SIFC hosted two Pampered Chef parties this fall--sharing yummy food, healthy recipes and handy cooking ideas. Thanks to Jen Saibel, local Pampered Chef consultant, for 2 fun parties! Thanks to friends & associates for purchases resulting in approximately $300 (15% of party sales) to help SI Fort Collins support women and girls in our community and throughout the world.
Members cook up a storm at Robanette's during our Tuesday Evening Party
Carol cooks up a storm at Cheryl's during our Saturday Afternoon party

Soroptimist International of Fort Collins strives to provide local and global service donations (including Live Your Dream--educational grants) without nickel and diming our members. We DO NOT expect our members to "simply" write checks to support women and girls. We share information regarding product availability with our friends and associates. Thank you for supporting Soroptimist fundraisers
when and where appropriate. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

SIFC Kicks off 2015-16 Year

President Cheryl invites you to join her in efforts to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.

Business Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month, 6:30 pm, Allnutt Community Center.

Program Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6:30 pm, Marriott Fort Collins.

SIFC thrives as a result of a healthy combination of fundraising, membership, program and public awareness. How will you help?

SIFC has a new website. Find us at
Contact us by email via

Friday, July 10, 2015

Book Sale and Beyond...SIFC Efforts from April into July

SIFC found April into July to be a whirlwind "quarter" for accomplishing the Soroptimist mission through program, membership, fundraising, and public awareness. Check out a few of SIFC’s highlights, below,

Fundraising and Environmental Stewardship:

AAUW/SIFC Used Book Sale SIFC and AAUW-Fort Collins Chapter marketed good-quality, used books during the nonprofits’ annual Used Book Sale. 

Service funds were raised while keeping gently used books out of the landfill.

All books were recycled through the sale, donations to needy, and/or environmentally friendly means.

Financial Grants to Partners:
Soroptimist of Fort Collins' shared service funds with some deserving partners.

Grants were presented to:
Michele Kane - Hearts & Horses’ Women’s Warrior Project (upper right)
binh rybacki—Children of Peace, International (below, left)
Jennifer Jones - SAVA Young Women's Support Group (below, center)
Melissa Schaefer - PSD Teen Parent Program (below, right)

Leadership Transition and Recognition:
Installation of 2015-16 Board and presentation of SIFC's 2015 Spirit of Soroptimist.
2015-16's Rhythm Band Board
President Cheryl, Vice-president Sally, Secretary Paula, Treasurer Judy, Directors Pat and Abby
Life is Music.  Music is Life.  Every aspect of life can be idealized in music.  Music can be heard in the swishing sound of pine trees, in the lapping of the ocean waves, in the rustling of leaves, in the songs of birds and in the laughter of children.  As incoming officers for the coming year, you should explore melodies that will vibrate all over our community touching the lives of those around you and those who are far away.

Below left:  President Cheryl thanks 2014-15 President JD
Below right:  Peggy and Judy present Donna as SIFC's 2015 Spirit of Soroptimist

Awareness, Advocacy and Action:
Efforts to prevent violence against women and girls

Dignity Dresses for Girls in Vietnam
During the 2010-11 club year, SI of Fort Collins members learned that, “Young girls are less apt to be raped when wearing dresses; In many cultures dresses indicate a level of status and thus security through dignity.” Many girls in underprivileged living environments have access to only minimal clothing. SIFChas an international service goal to provide an element of dignity for underprivileged girls and thus lesson the potential for domestic violence by crafting simple dresses. 

Every Dignity Dress crafted by SIFC is bright and colorful, has a pocket and decorative button and/or bow.

Dignity dresses are hand delivered to Vietnamese orphans by Children of Peace, International's binh rybacki.

Walking in the Loveland Liberty 5K
Soroptimists Lucinda, Carolyn, Ann, binh, JD, Kay, Amber, Peggy, Paula, Gloria, and Judy walked in the Loveland Liberty 5K! Money raised in the event will be used to help Life for the Innocent's domestic initiative to rescue, restore and renew those affected by human trafficking.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

AAUW/SIFC Used Book Sale Scheduled March 27-29

-50th Annual Fundraiser Recycles Gently Used Books for Great Causes-
The 2015 AAUW/Soroptimist Used Book Sale will be held at 1630 South Lemay (Units 7 & 8) in Fort Collins from March 27 through March 29. 
Community members are invited to shop for good-quality, used books during the nonprofits’ annual event. The sale will be open to the general public: 
  • Friday, March 27: 8 am-7 pm; 
  • Saturday, March 28: 9 am–6 pm; and 
  • Sunday, March 29: 11 am–5 pm. 

Service funds are raised while keeping gently used books out of the landfill.  All books are recycled through the sale, donations to needy, or environmentally friendly means. Proceeds of the AAUW/Soroptimist Used Book Sale support numerous local and global educational projects benefiting women and girls.  

The AAUW/Soroptimist Used Book Sale has become a well known local event. “We depend on the generous donations of the community to make this event a reality,” said co-chair Mary Robinson.  Private donors throughout northern Colorado join Old Firehouse Books in donating gently used books throughout the year. “Our customers complement us on the quality of our sale, the quality of our sorting, and the abundant selection of gently used books we market.” Organizers estimate that they will sort nearly 40,000 books by sale date.

This will be the 50th annual book sale for AAUW and the 25th annual for SIFC. Soroptimist International of Fort Collins and the American Association of University Women ( Fort Collins Branch have successfully collaborated on an annual Used Book Sale since 1993. In recent years AAUW and Soroptimist netted nearly $20,000 during the 3 day weekend, with proceeds going to scholarships and ongoing service projects.

For information about the fundraiser, to volunteer, or to donate books—call Margaret at 970-482-8210, or Mary at 970-227-1398.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

SIFC Recognizes Deserving Women on 65th Anniversary

Soroptimist of Fort Collins recently celebrated the Club's 64th anniversary by hosting a Living Your Dream Awards Program. Past Club Presidents were recognized, financial grants were distributed to two single moms, and a local professor was honored for making a difference for women--locally and around the world. Read on to celebrate with us.

Soroptimist Supports Women Seeking Education

   Soroptimist International of Fort Collins recently presented Live Your Dream financial grants to two deserving single mothers. With addition of these 2015 awards, the club proudly reports that 62 northern Colorado women have benefitted from Soroptimist educational support since 1972. Soroptimist provides much needed recognition for determined and capable women, many of whom have overcome enormous obstacles including poverty, domestic violence and/or drug and alcohol abuse to improve their lives through education. “Soroptimist grants are much more than mere scholarships,” stated Carolyn Wade during the awards presentation. “Recipients use Soroptimist financial awards for any costs associated with their educational efforts including tuition, books, child care, utilities, groceries and transportation.” 
   The Live Your Dream program begins at the club level, where award amounts vary. Soroptimist International of Fort Collins’ first place awardee competes with other women from clubs in Rocky Mountain Region for additional awards.  The names of those selected at region level will be sent to Soroptimist International of the Americas for a chance to be selected for three $10,000 finalist awards. 
   The Soroptimist of the America’s Live Your Dream program, formerly known as Women’s Opportunity Awards, was established in 1972 to assist women, who have primary financial responsibility for their families, to obtain the skills-training and education necessary to improve their employment status and standard of living for themselves and their family. Since 1972 about $30 million in education grants have been disbursed to assist tens of thousands of women achieve their dreams of a better life for themselves and their families throughout the federation. 
   The Fort Collins Soroptimist club does not release names of Live Your Dream recipients out of respect for their need for privacy and safety. Thanks to Ann Rutledge (not shown,) Paula Hawe, and Carolyn Wade for Chairing SIFC's 2015 Live Your Dream Committee.

Professor Honored for Making a Difference for Women
Dr. Carole Makela, Professor in CSU’s College of Human Sciences, School of Education, receives the 2015 Soroptimist International of Fort Collins Making a Difference for Women award. Dr. Makela is recognized by Soroptimist for making a difference for women and families, locally and around the world. Her impact continues as a collaborator, mentor, advisor, professor, professional, and community volunteer.
The Soroptimist Making a Difference for Women award honors women who, through their professional or personal efforts, make extraordinary differences in the lives of women and girls. Their work has a significant impact, inspires and encourages other women. Recipients may be publicly visible or working in the background. Nominations come from community partners.
“Soroptimist can only estimate the number of women, young and more mature, who have benefitted from Dr. Carole Makela’s contributions,” adds Robanette Catalano, presenter of the 2015 award. “Counting students alone, her contacts have certainly been in the thousands. And, considering the pyramid nature of educating educators, her empowerment has reached hundreds of thousands.”
Carole's purpose has always been to empower students.Beginning as a home economics teacher, Carole’s focus was on family management for sustainability and growth of the family within the larger environment. Students were encouraged to focus on family roles, rights and responsibilities, resource management, healthy living, and community involvement while studying finance, nutrition, child care, sewing, personal care, and the home environment. Hse has always been to empower students.
Grounded with a strong scientific background in family and women’s issues, Carole progressed into instruction, research and leadership positions at Colorado State University. During her 45+ years at CSU she served as Department Head in Consumer Sciences and Housing, Interim Associate Dean of the College of Applied Human Sciences, and Program Chair for Interdisciplinary Studies in the School of Education. She helped establish the local Better Business Bureau and Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Northern Colorado and Southeast Wyoming.
Carole is active on university committees and professional organizational boards. She advises undergraduates and teaches capstone courses. She teaches and advises graduate students at the masters and doctoral levels, promoting quality research as the foundation of one’s field. This philosophy has been furthered through her editorial efforts with several professional journals. 
Her work knows no borders. Carole has attended and made presentations at numerous  International Federation of Home Economics meetings. Her research has focused on rural issues, consumer behavior, family health, aging, life-balance, credit, global interaction, and equity. She collaborates with colleagues nationally and internationally to educate and empower. Her focus is on education—formal and informal, structured and self-guided.
Dr. Makela joins past Making a Difference for Women recipients, including: Melissa Shaeffer, Jennifer Jones, Dr. Stace Scharfe, Fran Richburg, LouAnn DeCoursey, Sister Mary Alice Murphy, Victoria Lutz, Nicole Gawronski, Julie Field, Wendy Stine, Mary Carraher, Dr. Sue Ellen Charlton, Wendy Cohen, former State Senator Peggy Reeves, and Past Fort Collins Mayor Nancy Gray.
Thanks to Robanette Catalano for chairing SIFC's 2015 Making a Difference for Women Committee.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Celebrate International Women's Day!

International Women's Day is an occasion marked around the world. March 8 is commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. 

Soroptimist members around the world strive to participate in some type of service activity on the Saturday nearest March 8 to commemorate International Women's Day and give generously of their time and resources. 

This year, Soroptimist International of Fort Collins participated in "Life Options Fair" at the Fort Collins Senior Center. 

Life Options Fair invited service organizations, hobby clubs, creative endeavors, those who provide volunteer opportunities, travel clubs and possibilities, outdoor groups, and other groups in our community to participate with the goal of providing a day long adventure for adults in Fort Collins to discover new life possibilities.

Life Options Fair provided an excellent opportunity for SIFC Members to share:

1.  Soroptimist, 

2.  The Live Your Dream focus on supporting females seeking education

3.  Recent local service projects, including:

* Women Build,

* AAUW/SIFC Used Book Sale,

* Crossroads Gardens,

* Make a Difference Day,

* Soropti-scarves... 

* S'mittens... 

* Dignity Dresses, and

* Volunteerism

What a wonderful opportunity to increase: awareness.... 


and action 

on behalf of women and girls, locally and around the world.