Our Fort Collins club enjoyed a great night this past Tuesday at Carolyn Wade's home for a new member orientation honoring SIFC's two newest members, Linn Shaw and Jan Bren. We played a game of "Soroptimist Trivia" with Shelley Chaput as our moderator. Two teams were formed, Team Linn and Team Jan, where we raced to answer questions about our club that had been submitted beforehand by members. The final score was Team Linn 18, and Team Jan 16! Mary Robinson awarded each team member a small chocolate heart as a prize for each winning answer! We also enjoyed a variety of desserts and snacks, plenty of laughs, and the outcome was that we all learned more about the history and status of our organization.
Our president-elect Lois Peltz presented an educational slide show at the beginning that provided lots of background of information about our club, which was a good review for everyone, even the more seasoned members.
A few of us supplied an anonymous baby photo, and members guessed which one of us the photo belonged to. There were lots of adorable babies, but it was harder than you might think to match a name with a photo from long ago!
Thanks to Carolyn for hosting a fun evening, full of friendship and humor. It's great to be making a difference in women's lives while we have fun, too!