SIFC found April into July to be a whirlwind "quarter" for accomplishing the Soroptimist mission through program, membership, fundraising, and public awareness. Check out a few of SIFC’s highlights, below,
Fundraising and Environmental Stewardship:

AAUW/SIFC Used Book Sale SIFC and AAUW-Fort Collins Chapter marketed good-quality, used books during the nonprofits’ annual Used Book Sale.
All books were recycled through the sale, donations to needy, and/or environmentally friendly means.
Financial Grants to Partners:
Soroptimist of Fort Collins' shared service funds with some deserving partners.
Grants were presented to:
Michele Kane - Hearts & Horses’ Women’s Warrior Project (upper right)
binh rybacki—Children of Peace, International (below, left)
Jennifer Jones - SAVA Young Women's Support Group (below, center)
Melissa Schaefer - PSD Teen Parent Program (below, right)
Melissa Schaefer - PSD Teen Parent Program (below, right)
Leadership Transition and Recognition:
Installation of 2015-16 Board and presentation of SIFC's 2015 Spirit of Soroptimist.
2015-16's Rhythm Band Board
President Cheryl, Vice-president Sally, Secretary Paula, Treasurer Judy, Directors Pat and Abby
Life is Music. Music is Life. Every aspect of life can be idealized in music. Music can be heard in the swishing sound of pine trees, in the lapping of the ocean waves, in the rustling of leaves, in the songs of birds and in the laughter of children. As incoming officers for the coming year, you should explore melodies that will vibrate all over our community touching the lives of those around you and those who are far away.

Installation of 2015-16 Board and presentation of SIFC's 2015 Spirit of Soroptimist.
President Cheryl, Vice-president Sally, Secretary Paula, Treasurer Judy, Directors Pat and Abby
Life is Music. Music is Life. Every aspect of life can be idealized in music. Music can be heard in the swishing sound of pine trees, in the lapping of the ocean waves, in the rustling of leaves, in the songs of birds and in the laughter of children. As incoming officers for the coming year, you should explore melodies that will vibrate all over our community touching the lives of those around you and those who are far away.
Below left: President Cheryl thanks 2014-15 President JD
Below right: Peggy and Judy present Donna as SIFC's 2015 Spirit of Soroptimist

Awareness, Advocacy and Action:
Efforts to prevent violence against women and girls
Dignity Dresses for Girls in Vietnam
Every Dignity Dress crafted by SIFC is bright and colorful, has a pocket and decorative button and/or bow.
Dignity dresses are hand delivered to Vietnamese orphans by Children of Peace, International's binh rybacki.
Walking in the Loveland Liberty 5K
Soroptimists Lucinda, Carolyn, Ann, binh, JD, Kay, Amber, Peggy, Paula, Gloria, and Judy walked in the Loveland Liberty 5K! Money raised in the event will be used to help Life for the Innocent's domestic initiative to rescue, restore and renew those affected by human trafficking.