Soroptimist of Fort Collins is currently accepting nominations of outstanding women in northern Colorado who truly make a difference for women or girls. Nomination deadline for the Soroptimist Ruby Award: For Women Helping Women is January 27, 2012 and completed applications will be accepted by mail or email.
The Soroptimist Ruby Award: For Women Helping Women (formerly the Soroptimist Making a Difference for Women Award) honors women who, through their professional or personal efforts, are making extraordinary differences in the lives of women or girls. Their work has had a significant impact, and also inspires and encourages other women.
Soroptimist of Fort Collins has recognized numerous outstanding women in the past. Some of our past honorees include: Sister Mary Alice Murphy, Victoria Lutz--Executive Director of Crossroads Safehouse, Nicole Gawronski of Project Self-Sufficiency, Wendy Stine of Harmony Foundation, Dr. Sue Ellen Charlton from CSU, Wendy Cohen of 2Hearts4Lacy, former State Senator Peggy Reeves, and Past Fort Collins Mayor Nancy Gray.
Nomination centers on an essay explaining how the nominee makes a difference to women. Soroptimist of Fort Collins looks forward to recognizing our honoree at our Living Her Dream program February 21.
The writable nomination form is available on our website www.fortnet.org/sifc or by email. Email your completed nomination to sifortcollins@hotmail.com or mail the nomination to Soroptimist International of Fort Collins, PO Box 270816, Fort Collins, CO 80527-0816.