October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In the United States, one out of eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Beyond that staggering statistic, breast cancer takes an immeasurable toll on families around the world who depend on their grandmothers, wives, sisters, aunts, daughters, friends and mothers.
Breast cancer needlessly claims the lives of thousands of women in low- and high-income countries alike. More than 1.1 million women worldwide will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, with the disease claiming at least 500,000 lives and disrupting even more.
Recent articles in the Fort Collins Coloradoan highlight issues related to poverty. Women make up a significant percentage of people living in poverty throughout the world and are particularly vulnerable to health disparities. Hardest hit are low-income. Low-income women in both developing nations and wealthier countries such as ours are most likely to be diagnosed with or die from breast cancer. Women who aren’t fortunate to have good health insurance and access to quality medical care often struggle. Those effected (diagnosed and loved ones alike) may need a caring guide as they make the journey from diagnosis through treatment.
Soroptimist of Fort Collins became aware of services that the PVH Navigator program offers and believes that navigators are vital resources toward survival. As a result, our club recently established the PVH Soroptimist Navigator Fund, helping to pay for basic needs and medical bills for women in our community who are diagnosed with breast cancer and who show a financial need. Last week we sponsored Cups de Ville, a Bras...for a Cause event, to increase public awareness of breast cancer and raise funds for the PVH Soroptimist Navigator Fund.
Local businesses and individuals creatively decorated 32 bras. The amazing works of art were displayed and auctioned off at the Gala, Thursday October 8th at the Fort Collins Hilton. Soroptimist members donned the bras over their clothing and walked amongst prospective donors. Dusty Kruse, a local auctioneer from Centennial Livestock Auction coaxed donations. Because of the generosity of those in attendance, nearly $5000 was raised for the PVH Soroptimist Navigator Fund.
Our sincere appreciation to all of the fantastic people in this community who collaborated with Soroptimist to make Cups de Ville a success.