Every year, on Human Rights Day (December 10) the President of Soroptimist International selects a project that provides direct assistance to women in extreme need. Past projects have provided: aid for refugees in camps in Malaysia; protection and help for women AIDS sufferers in Uganda and the Ukraine; scholarships for girls in Mongolia and Rwanda; vocational training programmes and shelter for vulnerable women and children in Paraguay; education and nutrition for abandoned children in Vietnam; malaria protection for pregnant women and young children in Benin, West Africa; enhanced access to education for girls in impoverished areas of Pakistan and support for long term patients at the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia.
For the 2009 Appeal, Soroptimist International President Hanne Jensbo has chosen to adopt a highly successful anti-trafficking project run by the Soroptimist International Union of Norway with Soroptimist International clubs in Moldova for the last 4 years. Further funding is urgently needed for the project to continue.
Young girls living in boarding schools are particularly exposed to the dangers of trafficking. Some are there because their parents are among the half milling Moldavians who have gone abroad to find work. By the age of 16 they have left school, have no support and often, nowhere to live. Learn more at www.soroptimistinternational.org
Fort Collins Soroptimist is accepting donations for the appeal. If you care to join us in support of this project, email sifortcolins@hotmail.com.
Every year, on Human Rights Day (December 10) the President of Soroptimist International selects a project that provides direct assistance to women in extreme need. Past projects have provided: aid for refugees in camps in Malaysia; protection and help for women AIDS sufferers in Uganda and the Ukraine; scholarships for girls in Mongolia and Rwanda; vocational training programmes and shelter for vulnerable women and children in Paraguay; education and nutrition for abandoned children in Vietnam; malaria protection for pregnant women and young children in Benin, West Africa; enhanced access to education for girls in impoverished areas of Pakistan and support for long term patients at the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia.
For the 2009 Appeal, Soroptimist International President Hanne Jensbo has chosen to adopt a highly successful anti-trafficking project run by the Soroptimist International Union of Norway with Soroptimist International clubs in Moldova for the last 4 years. Further funding is urgently needed for the project to continue.
Young girls living in boarding schools are particularly exposed to the dangers of trafficking. Some are there because their parents are among the half milling Moldavians who have gone abroad to find work. By the age of 16 they have left school, have no support and often, nowhere to live. Learn more at www.soroptimistinternational.org
Fort Collins Soroptimist is accepting donations for the appeal. If you care to join us in support of this project, email sifortcolins@hotmail.com.