Every year, on Human Rights Day (December 10) the President of Soroptimist international selects a project that provides direct assistance to women in extreme need. 12/10/2008 marks the 60th anniversary of this important occasion.
Past SI President's Appeals have provided: aid for refugees in camps in Malaysia; protection and help for women AIDS sufferers in Uganda and the Ukrane; scholarships for girls in Mongolia and Rwanda; vocational training and shelter for vulnerable women and children in Paraguay; education and nutrition for abandoned children in Vietnam; malaria protection for pregnant women and young children in Benin, West Africa; enhanced access to education for girls in impoverished areas of Pakistan and support for long term patients at the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia.
SI President Margaret Lobo decided to continue the 2007 President's Appeal and provide much needed further support to the women and girls of Desta Mender Village at the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia.
SIFC supports this President's Appeal and invites community donations to support women suffering from the devastation of obstetric fistula.